TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - My problem is finding some that comes in a 30" wide roll.
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Subject My problem is finding some that comes in a 30" wide roll.
Posted by Evan(CA) on August 15, 2013 at 7:43 PM
  This message has been viewed 205 times.
In Reply To I got all my liner from HF. Does the job and it's cheap. (n/m) posted by fuzzymonkey on August 15, 2013 at 07:35 PM
Message I've used these before and they are amazing but only come in a 24" wide roll.

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He sells a 30" but it's mesh and I hate mesh liners. The drawers on the new box are close to 30" deep and I don't want to tape pieces together. I'm trying to work out a trade with the SO rep for the 2 KR boxes for a work surface, drawer liners, and lock+key for the new KRL.

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